Thursday, 6 August 2015

#GBBOtweetstake with Bookish Tweeters

Hello all! So I, like many other people, love The Bake Off. It is awesome, and that is all that needs to be said on the matter. Last year, I did a sweepstakes with my friends from university and it was incredibly fun.
So I thought why not try it with all our bookish friends on Twitter? Here is how it's going to work:
Using a random number generator, I have assigned people their contestant. We will be rooting for whoever we are assigned to for the next eight-ish weeks. When the winner is decided, the bookish Tweeter with the winning contestant will get to choose a book that all the losers 'have' to read. And then we may well have a discussion about that book when we're all done. Simples!
 Here is the breakdown of who got who:

The Great British Bake Off - Mat.The Great British Bake Off - Sandy.The Great British Bake Off -Ian.The Great British Bake Off -  Marie.

             Mat                             Sandy                                Ian                               Marie

   Alice @alibelle              Laura Salters, author       @NathanaelSmith         Daphne @wingedreviews

The Great British Bake Off -  Nadiya.The Great British Bake Off - Paul.The Great British Bake Off  Ugne.The Great British Bake Off  Flora.

 Nadiya                                  Paul                             Ugne                             Flora

 Maisie                           Robin Stevens, author            Heather                  Keris Stainton, author
@ThemaisieAllen         Jesse @thatjessebloke        @MissWBooks           

The Great British Bake Off -DorretThe Great British Bake Off -Alvin.The Great British Bake Off  Tamal.The Great British Bake Off -  Stu

 Dorret                                  Alvin                            Tamal                          Stu

Chelle @ChelleyToy           Lily @cieria               Laura @Midnightstar3       Stacey @theprettybooks
WeiMingKam                                                             Me (Rachel)
@weimingkam                                                     @rachel90kennedy

As you can see, some contestants are doubled up (because I can't count properly and didn't want to leave anyone out) so if you're reading this and want to take part, we do still have spaces! Comment below with your Twitter handle and we'll make it happen.
Good Luck to all, and may the best baker win!

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